I forgot my laptop so I apologize for the late post; I have to wait until the community computers are free in the waiting area. My mom and I saw my dad today at 2:00 pm finally after two hours of waiting. They were giving him a bath and other stuff before they let us go back there to see him. We met a new nurse, Nurse Jennifer, who happens to be the fourth Nurse Jennifer that has tended to dad, so she is Nurse Jennifer, IV. Jennifer, IV told us that nothing exciting has happened and that he has been pretty stable. His fever has not come back and his blood pressure is normal. He is in this new fancy bed of course and it was rotating him side to side when we got there. He blinked his eyes really well while we were there to let my mom know he is aware that we were there talking to him. He is still on dialysis and still will be until the renal doctor checks his kidneys and makes sure they are getting better. I just felt so much better when the nurse said "nothing exciting has happened." I always remembered what my cousin's friend said who is a doctor, she said you never want doctors or nurses to be excited about your condition, you want them to be bored because that means its nothing really serious. Mr. V is fighting more and more each day. I know this will be a long recovery with setbacks but for every little setback there are giant leaps towards progression. Again thank you for your thoughts and prayers, its working.


So glad to hear that 'nothing exciting has happened', no news really is good news....I can just picture him wiggling his eyebrows at you and your mom. He is a fighter! He and your family are in our thoughts and prayers...

Carol said...
November 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM  

I have to agree that no news is good news. Mr. V is a fighter and he will be back to himself in no time. We will continue to pray for his recovery. He and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.. (Raul Galvan & Pilar Cypher)

Anonymous said...
November 21, 2009 at 8:28 PM  

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