
My dad has been stable the past 48 hours. They had concerns because he had been bleeding but the bleeding was slowing down which is a good sign. His vital signs are in tack. Its hard to see my dad because he is hooked up with tubes coming everywhere and monitors attached and IVs galore. I know in my heart that this is helping him heal. His nurses that are taking care of him are very nice and informative. They have kept us up to date on his condition. Yesterday his bladder pressure was up and that was a concern. They told my mom they were going to monitor it and explained that normal bladder pressure level is between 5 and 8, my dad's was a 22 but it was not critical yet. Well this morning it reached critical. Dr. Alvarado had informed my mom, when she was finally allowed to see my dad this morning, that because of all the fluids in him and because his kidney's cannot keep up with processing it, that the fluids are building up along the wall tissue of his abdomen and that its building up pressure on his organs and that they needed to perform surgery. They made a large incision down his abdomen to relieve the pressure to allow his organs to swell up and expand and then heal. They informed her its a routine procedure and if all goes well it should take 45 minutes to an hour. They are going to leave my dad's abdomen open for weeks to let it heal. Their main concern is to let his internal injuries heal basically before they even think about tending to his ribs and pelvis. Dr. Ware was the surgeon to perform this and he also said he may remove the spleen and look at the liver. Update: Just saw my dad the nurse said everything looked good, his organs looked fine no need to perform surgery on them. All they had to do was cut open his abdomen to relieve the pressure and every so often check it to see if the swelling has gone down, it looks good. He is progressing well but it will be a slow recovery.


Delena, prayer chains were requested as soon as informaion was received. I know this helped your dad get through those first 48. May God bless you and your family and continue with 'Mr. V's' miracle! XO (Barb)

Anonymous said...
November 14, 2009 at 9:26 PM  

It really has Barb. He is looking a little better everyday!

Delena said...
November 14, 2009 at 10:15 PM  

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