Meet Dr. Conservative

My mom went to see my dad this morning and she always times it when the doctors are doing their rounds. She was able to speak with Dr. Hamilton. Dr. Hamilton is part of the trauma team and he has been the doctor who has always given us conservative diagnosis, hence Dr. Conservative. Well today was no different. Dr. Conservative said my dad has an infection because he has a fever and the temperature remains high. They are going to do a bronchoscopy on my dad to get a sample from his lung to see what type of bacteria it is. The preliminary prognosis is pneumonia but they are not sure. They also want to do a CAT SCAN again of his brain because Dr. Conservative said he is not waking up as quickly as he should. Ugh these doctors never agree. Dr. Quentin says it may be a while before he awakens, Dr. Conservative is like no he should have been awake and talking and making coffee. Seriously talk to one another that is all I ask. They are also going to do a thoracostomy, inserting a tube for the right lung since fluid has been collecting on his right side. Also they discussed about plating his ribs. From what I understand(if anyone out there is a medical student, ahem Robert, or nurse reading this blog feel free to correct me) they take a metal plate in front of the ribs and connect them together to allow them to mend. I tried to google some type of diagram to no avail, thanks google! So I know my dad will pull through but its going to be a long journey of little downs and big ups. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts.


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